Sunday, December 14, 2008

Stupid Car

That is my car. It is not a very good car. It does go zoom zoom zoom when I want it to, sure. But so far it is not a very good winter car. First it couldn't make it up a snowy hill on this year's first snowfall. Now it's dead sitting in a gas station parking lot unable to start. It has managed to piss me off twice in one week. My last car, the legendary toyota tercel never let me down, not once. It wasn't a very pretty car, I'd have to push the bumper back on every time I got in, I was afraid to wash it, I'm pretty sure the dirt was holding it together. But, so far, it was a far superior car to the "malibu", it's even got a pussy name.... malibu... feh.

I miss my car.

Rock on!
Steve Danger

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